Raquel VallejoCurator

    A multi-hyphenate, Raquel Vallejo has approached her life and professional pursuits- including event planner, fashion model, art collector, cultural guru, sommelier, curator, rainmaker, TV host, strategist and  fundraiser- with a distinct multicultural flair.

    Raquel Vallejo is currently Curator and Project Manager of 352walls, an expanding public art project she launched in 2015 for the City of Gainesville, Florida. She is also a studio jewelry designer who assembles one of a kind, hand- made pieces that can be found in museum boutiques, art galleries and exclusive shops. While most of her contemporaries are settling down, Raquel continues to reinvent herself. She envoys connecting people, dreaming up new projects, traveling the globe, expanding her culinary talent, keeping fit and gardening in her historic hometown.

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