Alicia de Arteaga

    Degree in Modern Literature, graduated from the National University of Córdoba. Gold Medal and University Award. Member of the National Commission of Monuments, Museums and Historic Places (2001.2005) Member of the Culture Committee of CARI. Holder of the Art in the Media Chair at the Universidad del Salvador. Research category in Conicet for two consecutive periods. Deputy Secretary of Writing of the newspaper La Nacion. Editor of Visual Arts, and Columnist. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: alicearte “Drive Better I Tell You” program of art, patrimony, and design by radio Culture, 97.9 fm, Thursdays 11am to 1pm. Decorated with the Order of Rio Branco, by the government of Brazil Chevalier des Arts et Lettres, by the government of France Star of Solidarity, in the degree of Cavaliere, by the Government of Italy Order of Isabel the Catholic by the King of Spain. Konex Platinum Award for the Visual Arts. Member of the National Academy of Journalism.

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