Geo Darder was featured on the Entertaining Business Podcast to discuss the upcoming DanzAbierta performance and more. Podcast is temporarily unavailable.
Negotiations between the United States and Cuba to reopen diplomatic relations may be proceeding in fits and starts. But the rapprochement between the two countries is turning what was a small [...]
The Miami Herald highlights the top events of 2014 including Copperbridge Foundation’s presentation of MalPaso: “3: MalPaso: The Miami debut in June of this electrifying Cuban modern [...]
Cada vez se acercan más las llamadas dos orillas en materia artística. El intercambio cultural entre Estados Unidos y Cuba, crece y da renovados y agigantados pasos en diversas expresiones. Con [...]
Travel to the United States by Cuban artists has ceased to be an almost unbelievable tale. In the past three years or more, the exchange between the two countries has grown at least in one sense: [...]