Pablo Rosendo uses various mediums – such as photography, painting and video – attempting to connect his own life directly with nature. He has also taken disused public spaces – such as an old, derelict cinema – and abstractly(and beautifully) recreated its original function. During INSOMNIA (Open House) Rosendo experimented with old, empty CD covers; compressing – inside the back, plastic section – striking, abstract designs in colored plastercine.

2014 University of Arts (ISA)

2009 Escuela Provincial de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Abela COLLECTIVES EXHIBITIONS
2012 SEE CLEAR 11 Bienal de la Habana, ISA

Exposición colectiva de pintura en la galería del ISA 2010 a río revuelto, Cúpula de murales en el ISA

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