Miami Herald – Surreal Dance Stories from Cuba

 In Art, Dance and Theater

Dance from Cuba, like its music, has a hot reputation – beautiful bodies powered by rhythm, sensuality, and instinct. But “Possible Impossible,” which Havana troupe Retazos and Swedish company Memory Wax are performing at Miami Dade County Auditorium this Saturday, deals with how we see things and how we connect (or don’t). Nearly nude men and women back out of a frozen embrace, and video makes bodies twisting on the floor seem to flip into the air.

Like the work we’ve seen from other Cuban troupes presented by Miami-based Copperbridge Foundation, including Malpaso (now a hot item on the national U.S. dance circuit) and Danzabierta (who gave us a haunting vision of Havana in “Malson” back in May), this is a kind of surreal dance theater. Dreamlike, emotional, illogical narratives.

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